Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
BaseGameTriggerEntity.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  BaseGameTriggerEntityClass


ScriptInvoker GetOnQueryFinished ()
proto external bool QueryEntityInside (notnull IEntity ent)
proto external void QueryEntitiesInside ()
proto external bool DefaultEntityFilterForQuery (IEntity ent)
proto external int GetEntitiesInside (out notnull array< IEntity > outEntities)
proto external void SetSphereRadius (float radius)
proto external float GetSphereRadius ()
proto external void SetUpdateRate (float updateRate)
proto external float GetUpdateRate ()
proto external void EnablePeriodicQueries (bool enable)
proto external bool IsPeriodicQueriesEnabled ()
proto external void AddFilterName (string name)
 Add a name to the filter. More...
proto external bool RemoveFilterName (string name)
 Remove a name from the filter. More...
proto external void AddClassType (typename classType)
 Add a class type to the filter. More...
proto external bool RemoveClassType (typename classType)
 Remove a class type from the filter. More...
proto external void AddPrefabFilter (PrefabFilter prefabFilter)
 Add a prefab filter to the filters. More...
proto external bool RemovePrefabFilter (PrefabFilter prefabFilter)
 Remove a prefab filter from the filters. More...
proto external EQueryEntitiesFlags GetTraceMask ()
 Get flag(s) from the traces done by the the trigger. More...
proto external void SetTraceMask (EQueryEntitiesFlags flags)
proto external void ClearTraceMask (EQueryEntitiesFlags flags)
 Clears trace mask. More...
event protected void OnActivate (IEntity ent)
 callback - activation - occurs when and entity which fulfills the filter definitions enters the Trigger More...
event protected void OnDeactivate (IEntity ent)
 callback - deactivation - occurs when and entity which was activated (OnActivate) leaves the Trigger More...
event protected void OnQueryFinished (bool bIsEmpty)
 callback - query finished - occurs when the current query finished being processd and has updated results More...


BaseGameTriggerEntityClass Event_OnQueryFinished = new ScriptInvoker()