Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
Go to the source code of this file.
enum ENotification |
Notification IDs used by SCR_NotificationsComponent.
Enumerator | |
UNKNOWN | Default value to make sure this value is set. |
PLAYER_JOINED | A player joined - (param1 = PlayerID) |
PLAYER_LEFT | A player left - (param1 = PlayerID) |
PLAYER_KICKED | A player was kicked - (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = kickReason) |
PLAYER_BANNED | A player was banned - (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = kickReason, param3 = Duration) |
PLAYER_DIED | A player joined a faction - (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = factionIndex) Player died - (param1 = PlayerID) |
PLAYER_KILLED_PLAYER | Player killed a player - (param1 = (killer)PlayerID, param2 = (Killed Player)PlayerID) |
AI_KILLED_PLAYER | AI killed a Player - (param1 = (killer)EditibleEntityID, param2 = (killed player)PlayerID) |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_SAVED | Player changed their loadout. |
A player was banned for the session - (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = kickReason) |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_NOT_SAVED | Player tried to save their loadout but it failed (Prob because loadout did not change) |
PLAYER_TELEPORTED_SELF | Player teleported to new location (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = distance) |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_ITEM_FAILED_NOT_FACTION | Player failed to save loadout because given item is not part of the player's faction (param1 = inventoryItemRplId) |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_ITEM_FAILED_NOT_IN_ARSENAL | Player failed to save loadout because given item is not found in the given arsenal inventory (param1 = inventoryItemRplId) |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_NOT_SAVED_INVALID_ITEMS | Loadout was not saved as one or more items were Invalid. |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_NOT_SAVED_UNCHANGED | Player loadout was not saved as the loadout is unchanged. |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_ITEM_FAILED_ITEM_BLACKLISTED | Player failed to save loadout because given item is blacklisted and cannot be saved (param1 = inventoryItemRplId) |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_CLEARED_BY_EDITOR | Player loadout was cleared as GM changed the blacklisted items. |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_CLEARED | Player loadout was cleared without GM control. |
PLAYER_LOADOUT_SAVED_SUPPLY_COST | Player changed their loadout and show the supply cost for that loadout in notification (param1 = SupplyCost) |
EDITOR_EDITOR_RIGHTS_ASSIGNED | Player got rights assigned - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID)) |
EDITOR_EDITOR_RIGHTS_REMOVED | Player got rights revoked - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_ADMIN_RIGHTS_ASSIGNED | Player got rights assigned - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_ADMIN_RIGHTS_REMOVED | Player got rights revoked - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_PHOTOMODE_RIGHTS_ASSIGNED | Player got rights assigned - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_PHOTOMODE_RIGHTS_REMOVED | Player got rights revoked - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_PING_GM | GM pings - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = -1, param3 positionX, param4 positionY, param4 positionZ) |
EDITOR_PING_GM_TARGET_ENTITY | GM pings at target entity - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = EditableEntityID) |
EDITOR_PING_GM_TARGET_PLAYER | GM pings at target player - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_PING_PLAYER | Player pings - (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = -1, param3 positionX, param4 positionY, param4 positionZ) |
EDITOR_PING_PLAYER_TARGET_ENTITY | Player pings at target entity - (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = EditableEntityID) |
EDITOR_PING_PLAYER_TARGET_PLAYER | Player pings at target player - (param1 = PlayerID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_PING_NO_GM_TO_PING | No GM to ping to notification |
EDITOR_GM_ONLY_PING | GM only ping - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = -1, param3 positionX, param4 positionY, param4 positionZ) |
EDITOR_GM_ONLY_PING_TARGET_ENTITY | GM only ping at target entity - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = EditableEntityID) |
EDITOR_GM_ONLY_PING_TARGET_PLAYER | GM only ping at target player - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = TargetPlayerID) |
EDITOR_GM_ONLY_PING_LIMITED_RIGHTS | Tries to ping GM only ping but has limited editor rights. |
EDITOR_CANNOT_OPEN | Opening the editor is disabled or no modes are available. |
EDITOR_CANNOT_CLOSE | Closing the editor is disabled. |
EDITOR_TRANSFORMING_LOST_ACCESS | Transformed entity is no longer available - (param1 = EditableEntityID) |
EDITOR_TRANSFORMING_INCORRECT_POSITION | Attempting to move entity to incorrect position. |
EDITOR_TRANSFORMING_INCORRECT_TARGET | Attempting to move entity inside incompatible entity. |
EDITOR_PLACING_BUDGET_MAX | Max budget reached. |
EDITOR_PLACING_CANNOT_AS_PLAYER | Attempting to place non-character entity as a player. |
EDITOR_TRANSFORMING_FAIL | General error when server fails to transform the entity. |
EDITOR_FACTION_NO_SPAWNS | Called if all spawnpoints are removed. |
EDITOR_SESSION_SAVE_SUCCESS | Editor session saved. |
EDITOR_SESSION_SAVE_FAIL | Editor session save was not successful for whatever reason. |
EDITOR_SESSION_LOAD_SUCCESS | Editor session loaded. |
EDITOR_SESSION_LOAD_FAIL | Editor session load was not successful for whatever reason. |
EDITOR_SAVED_CAMERA_POSITION | When GM saved camera position (param1 = camera int) |
EDITOR_LOADED_CAMERA_POSITION | When GM loaded camera position (param1 = camera int) |
EDITOR_TASK_PLACED | Objective was placed (param1 = Task Replication ID, FactionIndex) |
EDITOR_TASK_COMPLETED | Objective was Completed (param1 = Task Replication ID, FactionIndex) |
EDITOR_TASK_FAILED | Objective was Failed (param1 = Task Replication ID, FactionIndex) |
EDITOR_TASK_DELETED | Objective was Deleted by GM (param1 = Task Replication ID, FactionIndex) |
EDITOR_TASK_CANCELED | Objective was Canceled (param1 = Task Replication ID, FactionIndex) |
EDITOR_GM_TELEPORTED_PLAYER | When the player gets teleported a notification will be send to that player (param1 = GM teleported the player, player that was teleported (for GM to go to position)) |
EDITOR_PLACING_BUDGET_MAX_FOR_VEHICLE_OCCUPANTS | Max budget reached when trying to place occupants in vehicle. |
EDITOR_PLACING_OUT_OF_CAMPAIGN_BUILDING_ZONE | Trying to place a composition outside of building perimeter. |
EDITOR_PLACING_NO_MORE_INSTANCES | Trying to place a composition (service) which already exists in target base. |
EDITOR_PLACING_NO_ENOUGH_SUPPLIES | Not enough supplies to build a composition. |
EDITOR_PLACING_BLOCKED | Area is blocked by another entity. |
EDITOR_PLACING_RANK_CORPORAL_NEEDED | Rank corporal is needed to place this composition. |
EDITOR_PLACING_RANK_SERGEANT_NEEDED | Rank sergeant is needed to place this composition. |
EDITOR_SERVICE_BUILD | Shows the name of the player, type of service and base where the service was built. |
EDITOR_SERVICE_DISASSEMBLED | Shows the name of the player, type of service and base where the service was disassembled. |
EDITOR_PREVIEWING_IN_NIGHTMODE | Local player is previewing datetime or weather in night mode. This means night mode is disabled until previewing is done. |
EDITOR_COMPOSITION_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION | Composition cannot be moved or deleted because the construction works has begun. |
EDITOR_PLACING_NO_MORE_COMPOSITIONS_AT_BASE | Player cannot place more compositions at the base. |
EDITOR_COOLDOWN | Cooldown for requesting another entity is running. |
EDITOR_AILIMIT | Max limit of spawned AI at base (Free Roam Building) has been reached. |
EDITOR_ENEMY_IN_AREA | The enemy was detected in Free Roam Building mode area, mode is terminated. |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_FACTION_LOADOUT_CHANGED | GM changes faction loadout - (For now disabled as misses specific NotificationDisplay class) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_RESPAWN_ENABLED | GM enabled respawn - (param1 = GameMasterID) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_RESPAWN_DISABLED | GM disabled respawn - (param1 = GameMasterID) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DATE_CHANGED | GM change the game date - (param1 = GM, param2 = day, param3 = month, param4 = year) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_TIME_CHANGED | GM change the game time (param1 = GM, param2 = hours1:, param3 = hours2, param4 = minute1, param5 = minute2. |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_WEATHER_CHANGED | GM change the game weather. |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_GM_BUDGET_CHANGED | GM change other GM editor budget - (param1 = GameMasterID) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_FACTION_CHANGED | A GM enabling/disabled a faction - (param1: GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_WIND_CHANGED | GM changed wind Speed and/or Direction - (param1: GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_WIND_DEFAULT | GM set wind speed to be default instead of overridden - (param1: GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_WEATHER_AUTO | Weather set to auto - (param1: GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DAY_DURATION_CHANGED | GM changed day duration - (param1 = GM, param2 = NewDuration) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_RESPAWN_TIME_CHANGED | GM changed respawn time - (param1 = GM id, param2 = NewTime) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DAY_ADVANCE_ENABLED | If GM enables time advancement - (param1: GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DAY_ADVANCE_DISABLED | If GM Disables time advancement - (param1: GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE_RESPAWN_ON_PLAYER | Called when GM enables spawning on Radio operators (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE_RESPAWN_ON_PLAYER | Called when GM disables spawning on Radio operators (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_FACTION_CHANGED_NO_GM | Called when GM places a spawnpoint but the faction was not enabled. |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLED_AMBIENT_MUSIC | When the GM enables server wide ambient music (param1 = GM that enables it) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLED_AMBIENT_MUSIC | When the GM disables server wide ambient music (param1 = GM that disables it) EDITOR_GM_ENABLED_AMBIENT_MUSIC = 522, ///< When the GM enables server wide ambient music (param1 = GM that enables it) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_SERVER_PLAYER_COUNT_CHANGED | GM change the server max player count - (param1 = newPlayerCount) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_UNMUTE_MUSIC | When the GM enables server wide music (param1 = GM that enables it) (Not in game) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_MUTE_MUSIC | When the GM disables server wide music (param1 = GM that disables it) (Not in game) |
EDITOR_CHANGED_KILLFEED_RECEIVE_TYPE | Changed killfeed receive type param1 = GM who changed setting, param2 = The new KillfeedReceiveType, param3 = bool isReciveType)) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_UNCONSCIOUSNESS_ENABLED | GM enabled unconsciousness - (param1 = GameMasterID) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_UNCONSCIOUSNESS_DISABLED | GM disabled unconsciousness - (param1 = GameMasterID) |
EDITOR_FACTION_SET_FRIENDLY_TO | GM set faction relations to friendly - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = FactionA, param3 = FactionB) |
EDITOR_FACTION_SET_HOSTILE_TO | GM set faction relations to hostile - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = FactionA, param3 = FactionB) |
EDITOR_FACTION_SET_FRIENDLY_TO_SELF | GM set faction relations to friendly to itself - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = Faction) |
EDITOR_FACTION_SET_HOSTILE_TO_SELF | GM set faction relations to hostile to itself - (param1 = GameMasterID, param2 = Faction) |
EDITOR_CHANGED_FUEL_CONSUMPTION_SCALE | GM changed the fuel consumption scale of vehicles (param1 = GM, param2 = new Fuel Consumption Scale) |
EDITOR_GLOBAL_NIGHTMODE_ENABLED | GM changed the nightmode to true (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_GLOBAL_NIGHTMODE_DISABLED | GM changed the nightmode to false (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_CHANGED_LOADOUT_SAVE_BLACKLIST | GM changed which items players can save in their loadout (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE_RESPAWN_ON_RADIO_VEHICLE | Called when GM enables spawning on Radio vehicles (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE_RESPAWN_ON_RADIO_VEHICLE | Called when GM disables spawning on Radio vehicles (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE_DEPLOYABLE_RADIO_SPAWNPOINT | Called when GM enables deploying radio back pack spawn points for players (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE_DEPLOYABLE_RADIO_SPAWNPOINT | Called when GM disables deploying radio back pack spawn points for players (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE_GLOBAL_SUPPLY_USAGE | Called when GM enables Global supplies usage (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE_GLOBAL_SUPPLY_USAGE | Called when GM disables Global supplies usage (param1 = GM) |
EDITOR_PLAYER_BECAME_GM | Player become GM - (param1 = PlayerID) |
EDITOR_GM_LEFT | Player become GM - (param1 = PlayerID) |
EDITOR_PLAYER_NO_LONGER_GM | Player no longer GM - (param1 = PlayerID) |
BUILD_COST_MULTI_CHANGED | Cost multiplier to build compositions by players (not editor) |
BUILD_REFUND_MULTI_CHANGED | Refund multiplier for compositions by players (not editor) |
SUPPLY_TRUCK_UNLOADING_PLAYER | Shows to truck occupants when vehicle is being loaded - (param1 = player id, param2 = amount) |
SUPPLY_TRUCK_LOADING_PLAYER_STOPPED | Shows to truck occupants when vehicle is being unloaded - (param1 = player id, param2 = amount) |
SUPPLY_TRUCK_UNLOADING_PLAYER_STOPPED | Shows to truck occupants when unloading player cancels interaction - (param1 = player id) |
SUPPLY_TRUCK_LOADING_PLAYER_FINISHED | Shows to truck occupants when unloading player cancels interaction - (param1 = player id) |
SUPPLY_TRUCK_UNLOADING_PLAYER_FINISHED | Shows to truck occupants when loading player finishes interaction - (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_IN_START | Shows to truck occupants when unloading player finishes interaction - (param1 = player id) Voting started to become GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_IN_SUCCEED | Voting succeeded to become GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_IN_FAIL | Voting failed to become GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_IN_VOTE_CASTED | Voting failed to become GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_IN_VOTE_ABSTAINED | Voting cast locally by player to make other GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_OUT_START | Voting abstained locally by player to make other GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_OUT_SUCCEED | Voting succeeded to remove GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_OUT_FAIL | Voting failed to remove GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_OUT_VOTE_CASTED | Voting cast locally by player to remove other GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_EDITOR_OUT_VOTE_ABSTAINED | Voting abstained locally by player to remove other GM (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_KICK_START | Voting started to kick player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_KICK_SUCCEED | Voting succeeded to kick player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_KICK_FAIL | Voting failed to kick player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_KICK_VOTE_CASTED | Voting Cast locally to kick player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_KICK_VOTE_ABSTAINED | Voting Abstained localy to kick player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_AUTO_KICK_START | Voting started to Auto kick player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_AUTO_BAN_LIGHT_START | Voting started to auto light ban player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_AUTO_BAN_HEAVY_START | Voting started to auto heavy ban player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_BAN_SUCCEED | Voting succeeded to auto light/heavy ban player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_BAN_FAIL | Voting failed to auto light/heavy ban player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_BAN_VOTE_CASTED | Voting Cast locally to auto light/heavy ban player (param1 = player id) |
VOTING_BAN_VOTE_ABSTAINED | Voting Abstained localy to auto light/heavy ban player (param1 = player id) |
GROUPS_PLAYER_JOINED | Player joined the group (param1 = player id) |
GROUPS_PLAYER_LEFT | Player has left the group (param1 = player id) |
GROUPS_PLAYER_PROMOTED_LEADER | Player has been promoted to group leader (param1 = player id) |
GROUPS_AI_JOINED | AI joined the group (param1 = entityID) |
GROUPS_AI_LEFT | AI has left the group (param1 = entityID) |
GROUPS_PLAYER_IS_NOT_LEADER | Player cant choose group flag, if he is not the leader. |
GROUPS_NO_FLAGS | There are no groupflags in groups manager. |
GROUPS_REQUEST_JOIN_PRIVATE_GROUP | Player want to join the private group. |
GROUPS_REQUEST_ACCEPTED | player was accepted to private group |
GROUPS_REQUEST_DENIED | player was accepted to private group |
GROUPS_REQUEST_CANCELLED | players join request was canceled by group leader change |
ACTION_ON_COOLDOWN | Action is on cooldown and cannot be executed. |
AREA_SEIZING_DONE_FRIENDLIES | Area captured by friendlies. |
AREA_SEIZING_DONE_ENEMIES | Area captured by enemies. |
BASE_SEIZING_DONE_FRIENDLIES | Base captured by friendlies. |
BASE_SEIZING_DONE_ENEMIES | Base captured by enemies. |
TELEPORTED_PLAYER_BLOCKING_SPAWNER | Player was teleported as it was blocking a spawner. |
GROUPS_REQUEST_SENT | player sent join request (param1 = group id) |
SUPPORTSTATION_HEALED_BY_OTHER_UPDATE | Player is being healed by another Character (param1 = Healer entity RplID, param2: hitzoneGroupId, param2: health scaled) |
SUPPORTSTATION_HEALED_BY_OTHER_DONE_NOT_FULL | Player is being healed by another Character, healing is done but support station cannot heal more (param1 = Healer entity RplID, param2: hitzoneGroupId, param2: health scaled) |
SUPPORTSTATION_HEALED_BY_OTHER_DONE | Player has fully healed an hitzone group of a Character (param1 = Healer entity RplID, param2: hitzoneGroupId) |
SUPPORTSTATION_FIRE_EXTINGUISHED_VEHICLE_BY_OTHER_UPDATE | Character is extinguising a fire on a vehicle you are in. The fire is still there (param1 = Repairer entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_FIRE_EXTINGUISHED_VEHICLE_BY_OTHER_DONE | Character is extinguising a fire on a vehicle you are in. The fire is gone (param1 = Repairer entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_REPAIRED_BY_OTHER_UPDATE | Vehicle player is in is being repaired by another Character. (param1 = Healer entity RplID, param2: hitzoneGroupId, param2: health scaled) |
SUPPORTSTATION_REPAIRED_BY_OTHER_DONE_NOT_FULL | Vehicle player is in is being repaired by another Character. Repair of hitzone group is done but hitzone group is not fully repaired (param1 = Repairer entity RplID, param2: hitzoneGroupId) |
SUPPORTSTATION_REPAIRED_BY_OTHER_DONE | Vehicle player is in is being repaired by another Character. Repair of hitzone group is done (param1 = Repairer entity RplID, param2: hitzoneGroupId) |
SUPPORTSTATION_REFUELED_BY_OTHER_UPDATE | Vehicle player is in is being refueled by another Character. (param1 = Healer entity RplID, param2: fuelpercentage) |
SUPPORTSTATION_REFUELED_BY_OTHER_TANK_FULL | Vehicle player is in is being refueled by another Character. The fuel tank that was being refueled is full but not all fuel tanks are full (param1 = Healer entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_REFUELED_BY_OTHER_DONE | Vehicle player is in is being refueled by another Character. All fuel tanks are full (param1 = Healer entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_RESUPPLIED_BY_OTHER_AMMO | Player held weapon ammo is being resupplied by another character (param1 = Resupplier entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_RESUPPLIED_BY_OTHER_UGL | Player held weapon UGL ammo is being resupplied by another character (param1 = Resupplier entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_RESUPPLIED_BY_OTHER_GRENADE | Player grenades are being resupplied by another character (param1 = Resupplier entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_RESUPPLIED_BY_OTHER_BANDAGE | Player bandages are being resupplied by another character (param1 = Resupplier entity RplID) |
SUPPORTSTATION_RESUPPLIED_BY_OTHER_MORPHINE | Player morphine are being resupplied by another character (param1 = Resupplier entity RplID) |
CHECK_FUEL | Checks fuel of vehicle (param1 = Fuel percentage) |
Definition at line 4 of file ENotification.c.