Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
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1 class SCR_AIDecoTestIsInTurret : DecoratorTestScripted
2 {
3  // this tests if Entity is in turret
4  protected override bool TestFunction(AIAgent agent, IEntity controlled)
5  {
6  if (!controlled)
7  controlled = agent.GetControlledEntity();
8  ChimeraCharacter character = ChimeraCharacter.Cast(controlled);
9  if (!character)
10  return false;
11  SCR_CompartmentAccessComponent compAcc = SCR_CompartmentAccessComponent.Cast(character.GetCompartmentAccessComponent());
12  if (!compAcc)
13  return false;
14  if (!compAcc.IsInCompartment())
15  return false;
16  return TurretCompartmentSlot.Cast(compAcc.GetCompartment());
17  }
18 };
Definition: SCR_CompartmentAccessComponent.c:15
Definition: SCR_AIDecoTestIsInTurret.c:1
Definition: TurretCompartmentSlot.c:12