Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 {
5 };
8 {
9  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16  void ResizeGroup(notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> slots, int groupHeight, int groupWidth)
17  {
18  array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> remainingSlots = {};
19  foreach (SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot : slots)
20  {
21  // Resetting the Height and Width of the Slot before attempting to resize.
22  slot.SetHeight(0, false);
23  slot.SetWidth(0, false);
25  // If the Slot isn't visible or doesn't have any content, the Resizing algorithm shouldn't take it into calculation.
26  if (slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible() && slot.GetContentWidget() && slot.GetContentWidget().IsVisible())
27  remainingSlots.Insert(slot);
28  }
30  // Sorting the remainingSlots array by priority using a bubble sort algorithm.
31  SortSlotsByPriority(remainingSlots);
33  // Looping until all slots have been assigned a height and a width.
34  while (remainingSlots.Count() > 0)
35  {
36  // Getting the first Slot from the sorted array (highest priority)
37  SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent currentSlot = remainingSlots[0];
39  if (!currentSlot.m_aHeightSteps.IsEmpty())
40  Resize(slots, remainingSlots, groupHeight, SCR_EHUDManagerResizeType.HEIGHT);
41  if (!currentSlot.m_aWidthSteps.IsEmpty())
42  Resize(slots, remainingSlots, groupWidth, SCR_EHUDManagerResizeType.WIDTH);
44  // Removing the first Slot from the array after being done with the calculation.
45  remainingSlots.RemoveOrdered(0);
46  }
47  }
49  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50  private void Resize(notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> slots, notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> remainingSlots, int totalSize, SCR_EHUDManagerResizeType resizeType)
51  {
52  int remainingGroupSize;
53  int maxAvailableSizeSum;
54  array<int> sizeSteps = null;
57  // Get the first Slot from the sorted array (highest priority)
58  SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent currentSlot = remainingSlots[0];
60  if (resizeType == SCR_EHUDManagerResizeType.HEIGHT)
61  {
62  // Calculating the remaining Group Height by subtracting the Total Assigned Height from the Group Height
63  remainingGroupSize = totalSize - GetTotalAssignedHeight(slots);
64  // Calculating the sum of the Maximum Available Heights of the remaining Slots.
65  maxAvailableSizeSum = GetMaxAvailableHeightSizeSum(remainingSlots);
66  sizeSteps = currentSlot.m_aHeightSteps;
67  }
68  else
69  {
70  // Calculating the remaining Group Width by subtracting the Total Assigned Width from the Group Width
71  remainingGroupSize = totalSize - GetTotalAssignedWidth(slots);
72  // Calculating the sum of the Maximum Available Widths of the remaining Slots.
73  maxAvailableSizeSum = GetMaxAvailableWidthSizeSum(remainingSlots);
74  sizeSteps = currentSlot.m_aWidthSteps;
75  }
77  // If the sum of all Maximum Available Sizes of remaining Slots is greater than the Remaining Group Size
78  // This means that, if all Slots uses their Max Size than we will go over the Group Size Limit.
79  if (maxAvailableSizeSum > remainingGroupSize)
80  {
81  // Iterating through each Size Step of a slot, from high to small. (This is possible becasue Size Step Arrays are sorted.)
82  for (int i = sizeSteps.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
83  {
84  int stepToUse = sizeSteps[i];
86  // Calculating the difference between the current step (stepToUse) and the Highest Step.
87  int differenceBetweenHighest = sizeSteps[sizeSteps.Count() - 1] - sizeSteps[i];
88  // Subtracting the previously calculated difference from the sum of all the Highest Size Step of all the remaining Slots.
89  int modifiedMaxAvailableSizeSum = maxAvailableSizeSum - differenceBetweenHighest;
91  // Checking if all the slots can fit into the Remaining Size in the case of using the currently iterated Height Step instead of the Highest.
92  if (modifiedMaxAvailableSizeSum <= remainingGroupSize)
93  {
94  if (resizeType == SCR_EHUDManagerResizeType.HEIGHT)
95  currentSlot.SetHeight(stepToUse);
96  else
97  currentSlot.SetWidth(stepToUse);
99  return;
100  }
101  }
102  // If we failed to find a suitable Size Step so far, algorithm falls back to the smallest Size Step possible.
103  if (resizeType == SCR_EHUDManagerResizeType.HEIGHT)
104  currentSlot.SetHeight(sizeSteps[0]);
105  else
106  currentSlot.SetWidth(sizeSteps[0]);
107  }
108  else
109  {
110  /*
111  Assigning the new Size to the minimum between Remaining Group Size or Max Size Step of the Slot.
112  We don't want the Slot to be larger than it's Maximum Size Step and we also don't want it to occupy more space than the Remaining Size.
113  */
114  if (resizeType == SCR_EHUDManagerResizeType.HEIGHT)
115  {
116  int distributedSize = Math.Min(remainingGroupSize, GetMaxAvailableHeight(currentSlot));
117  currentSlot.SetHeight(distributedSize);
118  }
119  else
120  {
121  int distributedSize = Math.Min(remainingGroupSize, GetMaxAvailableWidth(currentSlot));
122  currentSlot.SetWidth(distributedSize);
123  }
124  }
125  }
127  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131  private int GetTotalAssignedHeight(notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> slots)
132  {
133  int totalHeight;
134  foreach (SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot : slots)
135  {
136  if (slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
137  {
138  totalHeight += slot.GetHeight();
139  }
140  }
142  return totalHeight;
143  }
145  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
149  private int GetTotalAssignedWidth(notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> slots)
150  {
151  int totalWidth;
152  foreach (SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot : slots)
153  {
154  if (slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
155  {
156  totalWidth += slot.GetWidth();
157  }
158  }
160  return totalWidth;
161  }
163  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
167  private void SortSlotsByPriority(notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> slots)
168  {
169  for (int i = 0; i < slots.Count() - 1; i++)
170  {
171  for (int j = 0; j < slots.Count() - 1 - i; j++)
172  {
173  if (slots[j].GetPriority() > slots[j + 1].GetPriority())
174  {
175  SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent temp = slots[j];
176  slots[j] = slots[j + 1];
177  slots[j + 1] = temp;
178  }
179  }
180  }
181  }
183  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187  private int GetMaxAvailableHeightSizeSum(notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> remainingSlots)
188  {
189  int sum;
190  foreach (SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot : remainingSlots)
191  {
192  if (slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
193  sum += GetMaxAvailableHeight(slot);
194  }
196  return sum;
197  }
199  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
203  private int GetMaxAvailableWidthSizeSum(notnull array<SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent> remainingSlots)
204  {
205  int sum;
206  foreach (SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot : remainingSlots)
207  {
208  if (slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
209  sum += GetMaxAvailableWidth(slot);
210  }
212  return sum;
213  }
215  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219  private int GetMaxAvailableHeight(notnull SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot)
220  {
221  // If the Slot isn't visible, it shouldn't be part of the calculation.
222  if (!slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
223  return 0;
224  // If the Slot is marked as Size To Content, it's size will always be the same as it's Content.
225  else if (slot.m_bSizeToContent)
226  return GetContentHeight(slot);
228  array<int> heightSteps = slot.m_aHeightSteps;
229  // As the Size Steps are sorted on ascending order, the Last element is the Heighest one.
230  return heightSteps[heightSteps.Count() - 1];
231  }
233  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237  private int GetMaxAvailableWidth(notnull SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot)
238  {
239  // If the Slot isn't visible, it shouldn't be part of the calculation.
240  if (!slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
241  return 0;
242  // If the Slot is marked as Size To Content, it's size will always be the same as it's Content.
243  else if (slot.m_bSizeToContent)
244  return GetContentWidth(slot);
246  array<int> widthSteps = slot.m_aWidthSteps;
247  // As the Size Steps are sorted on ascending order, the Last element is the Heighest one.
248  return widthSteps[widthSteps.Count() - 1];
249  }
251  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
255  private int GetMinAvailableHeight(notnull SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot)
256  {
257  // If the Slot isn't visible, it shouldn't be part of the calculation.
258  if (!slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
259  return 0;
260  // If the Slot is marked as Size To Content, it's size will always be the same as it's Content.
261  else if (slot.m_bSizeToContent)
262  return GetContentHeight(slot);
264  // As the Size Steps are sorted on ascending order, the first element is the smallest one.
265  return slot.m_aHeightSteps[0];
266  }
268  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
272  private int GetMinAvailableWidth(notnull SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot)
273  {
274  // If the Slot isn't visible, it shouldn't be part of the calculation.
275  if (!slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
276  return 0;
277  // If the Slot is marked as Size To Content, it's size will always be the same as it's Content.
278  else if (slot.m_bSizeToContent)
279  return GetContentWidth(slot);
281  // As the Size Steps are sorted on ascending order, the first element is the smallest one.
282  return slot.m_aWidthSteps[0];
283  }
285  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289  private int GetContentHeight(notnull SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot)
290  {
291 #ifdef WORKBENCH
292  if (SCR_Global.IsEditMode())
293  {
294  array<int> heightSteps = slot.m_aHeightSteps;
295  if (!heightSteps || heightSteps.IsEmpty())
296  return 0;
298  return heightSteps[heightSteps.Count() - 1];
299  }
300 #endif
301  Widget child = slot.GetContentWidget();
302  if (!child || !slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
303  return 0;
305  float childWidth, childHeight;
306  child.GetScreenSize(childWidth, childHeight);
307  childHeight = GetGame().GetWorkspace().DPIUnscale(childHeight);
309  return childHeight;
310  }
312  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
316  private int GetContentWidth(notnull SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent slot)
317  {
318 #ifdef WORKBENCH
319  if (SCR_Global.IsEditMode() && slot.m_bSizeToContent)
320  {
321  array<int> widthSteps = slot.m_aWidthSteps;
322  if (!widthSteps || widthSteps.IsEmpty())
323  return 0;
325  return widthSteps[widthSteps.Count() - 1];
326  }
327 #endif
328  Widget child = slot.GetRootWidget().GetChildren();
329  if (!child || !slot.GetRootWidget().IsVisible())
330  return 0;
332  float childWidth, childHeight;
333  child.GetScreenSize(childWidth, childHeight);
334  childWidth = GetGame().GetWorkspace().DPIUnscale(childWidth);
336  return childWidth;
337  }
338 };
ArmaReforgerScripted GetGame()
Definition: game.c:1424
Definition: SCR_HUDSizeCalculator.c:3
int GetPriority()
Definition: SCR_BaseManualCameraComponent.c:107
Definition: SCR_HUDSizeCalculator.c:7
Definition: Functions.c:6
Definition: SCR_HUDSizeCalculator.c:1
Definition: SCR_HUDSizeCalculator.c:4
Definition: SCR_HUDSlotUIComponent.c:5