Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
SCR_UIName Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_UIName:
SCR_SubBlockUIName SCR_UIDescription SCR_UIInfoSpawnRequestResult SCR_BulletPointBlockUIName SCR_DeviceBlockUIName SCR_ImageBlockUIName SCR_SimpleTagBlockUIName SCR_TipBlockUIName SCR_ArsenalSaveTypeUIInfo SCR_UIInfo SCR_ActionBlockUIName SCR_KeyBlockUIName SCR_AIGroupUIInfo SCR_BlockUIInfo SCR_BudgetUIInfo SCR_ColorUIInfo SCR_DamageStateUIInfo SCR_EditableEntityUIInfo SCR_EditorAttributeUIInfo SCR_EditorModeUIInfo SCR_InputActionUIInfo SCR_MoonPhaseUIInfo SCR_OverridableUIInfo SCR_PlayerUIInfo SCR_SelectionMenuEntry SCR_SimpleMessageUIInfo SCR_UINotificationInfo SCR_VotingUIInfo UIInfoAssetCard

Detailed Description

Class used to hold UI name. Data are intentionally READ ONLY, because the class is often used on prefabs, not instances. Instead of adding SetXXX() methods here, consider using specialised inherited class.

Definition at line 5 of file SCR_UIName.c.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: