Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
AmbientSoundsComponent.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  AmbientSoundsComponentClass


AmbientSoundsComponentClass SoundComponentClass QueryAmbientSoundsBySphere (float radius, EQueryEntitiesFlags queryFlags=EQueryEntitiesFlags.ALL)
proto external void GetAmbientSoundsCountPerType (out notnull array< int > count)
proto external vector GetCameraOrigin ()
proto external bool GetRiver (const vector pos, out notnull array< float > count)
proto external IEntity GetRandomTree (int index, float minHeight)
proto external void GetClosestEntities (int soundTypeIdx, int nEntities, out notnull array< IEntity > output)
proto void TracePointToTerrain (const vector point, inout int iSoundGroup)