Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 ===========================================
3 Do not modify, this script is generated
4 ===========================================
5 */
12 class BaseTarget: ScriptAndConfig
13 {
17  proto external IEntity GetTargetEntity();
18  proto external ETargetCategory GetTargetCategory();
19  // Time passed since target was detected
20  proto external float GetTimeSinceDetected();
21  // Time passed since the target was seen (direct LoS)
22  proto external float GetTimeSinceSeen();
23  // Time (from perception manager) when the target was seen (direct LoS)
24  proto external float GetTimeLastSeen();
25  // Time (from perception manager) when the target was detected
26  proto external float GetTimeLastDetected();
27  // Time passed since the target's type was recognized
28  proto external float GetTimeSinceTypeRecognized();
29  // Time passed since the target's side was recognized
30  proto external float GetTimeSinceSideRecognized();
31  // Time passed since the target endangered us
32  proto external float GetTimeSinceEndangered();
33  // Position where the target was seen last
34  proto external vector GetLastSeenPosition();
35  // Position where the target was detected last
36  proto external vector GetLastDetectedPosition();
37  // Returns distance to target. It's a cached value, calculated by PerceptionComponent.
38  proto external float GetDistance();
39  // Returns unit type, same as in PerceivableComponent of that target
40  proto external EAIUnitType GetUnitType();
41  // Returns how we percieve whether that target is endangering us or not. The actual value is updated periodically.
42  proto external bool IsEndangering();
43  // Returns how we perceive whether the target is disarmed or not. The actual value is updated periodically.
44  proto external bool IsDisarmed();
51  proto external float GetTraceFraction();
52  /*
53  Returns a value from 0 to 1.0 which shows how much target is visible based on visibility of each aimpoint.
54  This is affected both by amount of visible aimpoint and by how much each of them is visible.
55  */
56  proto external float GetExposure();
57  // Returns perceivable component of target
58  proto external PerceivableComponent GetPerceivableComponent();
59  proto external DamageManagerComponent GetDamageManagerComponent();
60  proto external BaseWeaponManagerComponent GetWeaponManagerComponent();
61  proto external FactionAffiliationComponent GetFactionAffiliationComponent();
62  proto void GetAccumulatedRecognition(out float outRecognitionDetect, out float outRecognitionIdentify);
63  // Sets the last seen position to provided value if the timestamp is newer than existing last seen time
64  proto external void UpdateLastSeenPosition(vector pos, float perceptionMgrTimestamp);
65 }
Definition: ETargetCategory.c:12
Definition: BaseTarget.c:12
Definition: EAIUnitType.c:12
Definition: DamageManagerComponent.c:12