Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
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21 class ExtBaseInteractionHandlerComponent: BaseInteractionHandlerComponent
38 proto external
int GetFilteredActions(out notnull array<BaseUserAction> outActions, out notnull array<bool> outCanBePerformed);
89 event protected void OnPostFrame(IEntity owner, IEntity controlledEntity,
float timeSlice);
ExtBaseInteractionHandlerComponentClass BaseInteractionHandlerComponentClass SetSelectedAction(BaseUserAction action)
event protected void OnContextChanged(UserActionContext previousContext, UserActionContext newContext)
proto external bool IsContextAvailable()
Returns true when there is a gathered context available.
event protected void OnPostFrame(IEntity owner, IEntity controlledEntity, float timeSlice)
proto external bool GetManualCollectionOverride()
Returns whether manual collection override is set (we expect a list of entities to be provided from t...
proto external bool GetNearbyCollectionEnabled()
Returns whether nearby available context collection is enabled.
event protected bool GetIsInteractionAvailableScript()
proto external void SetManualCollectionOverride(bool enabled)
If set to true, we expect a list of entities to be provided from the user instead.
event protected bool DoIntersectCheck(IEntity controlledEntity)
event protected bool GetCanInteractScript(IEntity controlledEntity)
proto external UserActionContext GetCurrentContext()
Returns currently gathered (active-preferred) context or null if none.
event protected bool CanContextChange(UserActionContext currentContext, UserActionContext newContext)
proto external int GetFilteredActions(out notnull array< BaseUserAction > outActions, out notnull array< bool > outCanBePerformed)
proto external int GetNearbyAvailableContextList(out notnull array< UserActionContext > outContexts)
proto external int GetNearbyShowableContextList(out notnull array< UserActionContext > outContexts)
event protected array< IEntity > GetManualOverrideList(IEntity owner, out vector referencePoint)
proto external IEntity GetControlledEntity()
Returns the controlled entity or null if none.
event protected BaseUserAction GetSelectedActionScript()
proto external void SetNearbyCollectionEnabled(bool enabled)
proto external float GetNearbyCollectionRadius()
Returns the radius in meters that is used for nearby available context collection.
proto external int GetNearbyUnavailableContextList(out notnull array< UserActionContext > outContexts)