Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
FactionAffiliationComponent.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  FactionAffiliationComponentClass


BaseAimingComponentClass GameComponentClass GetOwner ()
 This component takes care of sending chat messages. More...
proto external Faction GetAffiliatedFaction ()
 Returns the affiliated faction or null if none. More...
proto external Faction GetDefaultAffiliatedFaction ()
 Returns the default affiliated faction or null if none. More...
proto external void SetAffiliatedFaction (Faction faction)
proto external void SetAffiliatedFactionByKey (FactionKey factionKey)
event void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
 Editable Mine. More...
event protected void OnCompartmentEntering (IEntity vehicle, IEntity occupant, BaseCompartmentSlot compartment, bool move)
event protected void OnCompartmentEntered (IEntity vehicle, IEntity occupant, BaseCompartmentSlot compartment, bool move)
event protected void OnCompartmentLeft (IEntity vehicle, IEntity occupant, BaseCompartmentSlot compartment, bool move)
event protected void OnFactionChanged (Faction previous, Faction current)