Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 {
4  [Attribute("500", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Maximum damage the region can take before being destroyed")]
5  float m_MaxHealth;
6  [Attribute("0.55", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Percentage of structurally linked parents that must be destroyed for this region to fall")]
7  float m_StructuralSupportPct;
8  [Attribute("{B6CBD40830C3F0A4}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/weapon/destruct_wall.ptc", UIWidgets.ResourcePickerThumbnail, "Particle effect to use when the region is destroyed")]
9  ResourceName m_DestructFX_PTC;
10  [Attribute("", UIWidgets.ResourcePickerThumbnail, "Sound effect to play when the region is destroyed")]
11  ResourceName m_DestructFX_SND;
12  [Attribute("", UIWidgets.ResourcePickerThumbnail, "Prefab to spawn when the region is destroyed")]
13  ResourceName m_DestructFX_PFB;
14 };
Definition: SCR_BuildingRegionSetup.c:2
typedef Attribute
Post-process effect of scripted camera.
SCR_AIGoalReaction_Follow BaseContainerProps
Handles insects that are supposed to be spawned around selected prefabs defined in prefab names array...
Definition: SCR_AIGoalReaction.c:468