Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 [ComponentEditorProps(category: "GameScripted/Vehicle", description:"Vehicle camera data")]
2 class SCR_VehicleCameraDataComponentClass: ScriptComponentClass
3 {
4 };
8 {
9  [Attribute("false", UIWidgets.CheckBox, "Override the vehicle camera data component of the parent Vehicle\n")]
10  bool m_bOverrideVehicleSettings;
11  [Attribute("1", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Height the camera should stay above the vehicle's bounding box center\n[m]")]
12  float m_fHeight;
13  [Attribute("1", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Speed-based view bobbing multiplier\n[x * 100%]")]
14  float m_fBobScale;
15  [Attribute("1", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Acceleration-based view shaking multiplier\n[x * 100%]")]
16  float m_fShakeScale;
17  [Attribute("150", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Maximum speed at which camera distance and FOV adjustments are at their maximum\n[km/h]")]
18  float m_fSpeedMax;
19  [Attribute("8", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Maximum distance the camera should keep from the vehicle\n[m]")]
20  float m_fDist_Max;
21  [Attribute("3", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Minimum distance the camera should keep from the vehicle\n[m]")]
22  float m_fDist_Min;
23  [Attribute("5", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Desired distance the camera should keep from the vehicle\n[m]")]
24  float m_fDist_Desired;
25  [Attribute("70", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Field Of View of the camera\n[deg]")]
26  float m_fFOV;
27  [Attribute("10", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Maximum Field Of View adjustment based on speed\n[deg]")]
28  float m_fFOV_SpeedAdjustMax;
29  [Attribute("0.4", UIWidgets.Slider, "How much roll of the parent vehicle is applied to camera\n[x * 100%]", params: "-5 5 0.001")]
30  float m_fRollFactor;
31  [Attribute("0.2", UIWidgets.Slider, "How much pitch of the parent vehicle is applied to camera\n[x * 100%]", params: "-5 5 0.001")]
32  float m_fPitchFactor;
33  [Attribute("20", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Angle in first person added to the camera on the vehicle\n[deg]")]
34  float m_fAngleFirstPerson;
35  [Attribute("20", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Angle in third person added to the camera on the vehicle\n[deg]")]
36  float m_fAngleThirdPerson;
37  [Attribute(uiwidget: UIWidgets.Object)]
38  ref SCR_VehicleCameraAimpoint m_pCameraAimpointData;
39  [Attribute(uiwidget: UIWidgets.Object)]
40  ref SCR_VehicleCameraAlignment m_pCameraAlignData;
41 };
SCR_FragmentEntityClass ComponentEditorProps
SCR_SiteSlotEntityClass ScriptComponent
typedef Attribute
Post-process effect of scripted camera.
Definition: SCR_VehicleCameraAlignment.c:10
Definition: SCR_VehicleCameraDataComponent.c:2
Configs ServerBrowser KickDialogs params
Definition: SCR_NotificationSenderComponent.c:24
Definition: SCR_VehicleCameraAimpoint.c:10
Definition: SCR_VehicleCameraDataComponent.c:7
params category
Definition: SCR_VehicleDamageManagerComponent.c:180