Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
SCR_AIGetActionParameters Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_AIGetActionParameters:
SCR_AIActionTask SCR_AIGetAttackBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetDefendActivityParameters SCR_AIGetDefendBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetFirePositionBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetFollowActivityParameters SCR_AIGetGetInActivityParameters SCR_AIGetGetInVehicleBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetGetOutActivityParameters SCR_AIGetHealActivityParameters SCR_AIGetHealWaitBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetInvestigateBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetMedicHealBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetMoveActivityParameters SCR_AIGetMoveFromDangerBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetMoveIndividuallyBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetObserveUnknownFireBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetOutVehicleBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetPerformActionActivityParameters SCR_AIGetPerformActionBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetResupplyActivityParameters SCR_AIGetRetreatWhileLookAtBehaviorParameters SCR_AIGetThrowGrenadeToBehaviorParameters

Detailed Description

Base class of node which outputs action parameters to Behavior Tree variables.

If you need to expose action parameters to a BT, you must create a scripted node class which inherits from SCR_AIGetActionParameters.

The action class must use SCR_BTParam for variables which must be exposed to Behavior Trees.

For example: class SCR_AIGetFlyHelicopterParameters : SCR_AIGetActionParameters { static ref TStringArray s_aVarsOut = (new SCR_AIFlyHelicopterBehavior(null, false)).GetPortNames(); // (1) override TStringArray GetVariablesOut() { return s_aVarsOut; } // protected override bool VisibleInPalette() { return true; } // (2) };

(1) We need to create an action object once to get port names. We store the resulting array into a static variable. Please ensure that constructor does not call any other code which is inaccessible during script compilation!

(2) Remember to override VisibleInPallete!

Definition at line 22 of file SCR_AIGetActionParameters.c.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: