Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
SCR_EditorModeEntity Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_EditorModeEntity:

Detailed Description

Editor mode entity.

Must be a child of SCR_EditorManagerEntity.

  • In multiplayer, the entity is local to the player.
  • Only one mode can be activated at the same time. Together with it, all its components (SCR_BaseEditorComponent) are activated as well.
  • A mode is the primary way to control editor functionality, an each mode can behave differently - use different GUI, camera, etc.
  • Player can access the editor mode as long as the entity exists.
    • This is for security reasons. If the mode entity always existed, but mode access for disabled in GUI, functions for communication on server could potentially be exploited.
  • Mode entity influences if the editor is considered limited. See SCR_EditorManagerEntity description for more details.
  • Default editor mode prefabs are defined in SCR_EditorManagerCore (config is Configs/Core folder).

Definition at line 22 of file SCR_EditorModeEntity.c.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: