Arma Reforger Explorer
Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
CameraHandlerComponent.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  CameraHandlerComponentClass


CameraHandlerComponentClass ScriptComponentClass GetCameraSet ()
proto external bool IsInThirdPerson ()
 Returns true if the camera is in third person mode. More...
proto external void SetThirdPerson (bool val)
 Set the current third person camera state. More...
proto external float GetFocusMode ()
 Returns the current value of the focus mode. More...
proto external void SetFocusMode (float focusMode)
 Set the current value of the focus mode. More...
proto external float GetBlendAlpha (ScriptedCameraItem forCameraItem)
proto external ScriptedCameraItem GetCurrentCamera ()
 returns current active camera More...
proto external bool IsCameraBlending ()
 returns true if there's more than one processing camera More...
proto external void SetLensFlareSet (CameraLensFlareSetType type, string userName)
event protected float CalculateFovScalar (notnull CameraBase mainCamera, CameraBase overlayCamera)
event void Init ()
 initialization More...
event void OnCameraActivate ()
 activation More...
event void OnCameraDeactivate ()
 deactivation More...
event int CameraSelector ()
 selects next camera More...
event void OnBeforeCameraUpdate (float pDt, bool pIsKeyframe)
 before camera update More...
event void OnAfterCameraUpdate (float pDt, bool pIsKeyframe, inout vector transformMS[4], inout vector transformWS[4])
 after camera update More...
event void CollisionSolver (float pDt, inout ScriptedCameraItemResult pOutResult, inout vector resCamTM[4], bool isKeyframe)
 collision solver More...
event void OnThirdPersonSwitch (bool isInThirdPerson)
 when we switch between FPP and TPP More...
event float GetCameraTransitionTime (int pFrom, int pTo)
 get how long should transition between given cameras be More...
event float GetOverlayCameraFOVScalarWeight ()