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Arma Reforger Code Explorer by Zeroy - Thanks to MisterOutofTime
SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponentClass


enum  SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState {


SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponentClass SCR_BaseSupportStationComponentClass Attribute ("500", desc:"Max damage healed each execute. If you hold the action it will heal each time the action ends", category:"Heal/Repair Support Station", params:"0.01 inf")
SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration CreateSoundAudioConfig (string soundEventName)
SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration GetOnHealUpdateAudioConfig ()
SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration GetOnDoTRemovedAudioConfig ()
override bool IsValid (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action, vector actionPosition, out ESupportStationReasonInvalid reasonInvalid, out int supplyCost)
protected float GetDamageOrStateToHeal (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, notnull SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationAction action, out EDamageType activeDoT, out notnull array< HitZone > hitZones)
protected override int GetSupplyCostAction (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action)
override void OnExecutedServer (notnull IEntity actionOwner, notnull IEntity actionUser, notnull SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action)
protected override void OnExecute (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, int playerId, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action)
protected void OnExecuteDamageSystemBroadcast (RplId ownerId, RplId userId, SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState healState, int actionId, float healthScaled)
protected void OnExecuteDamageSystem (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState healState, SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationAction action, float healthScaled)
protected void SendDamageSupportStationNotification (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action, SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState healState, float healthScaled)


protected string m_sOnHealUpdateSoundEffectEventName
protected string m_sOnDoTRemovedSoundEffectEventName
protected ref SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration m_OnHealUpdateAudioSourceConfiguration
protected ref SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration m_OnDoTRemovedAudioSourceConfiguration

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState


To notify the system that the fire extinguish was updated but the fire state is not removed.


To notify the system that the fire extinguish was updated but the fire state was removed.


To notify the system that a Damage over time effect was removed.


To notify the system that health was updated but healing is not done.


To notify the system that health was updated and healing is done. But the entity is not full heal aka the repair station cannot heal more.


To notify the system that health was updated and healing is done.


To notify the system that blood amount was updated but healing is not done.


To notify the system that blood amount was updated and healing is done, but the entity is not full blood aka the heal station cannot heal more blood.


To notify the system that blood amount was updated and healing is done.

Definition at line 366 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

Function Documentation

◆ Attribute()

SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponentClass SCR_BaseSupportStationComponentClass Attribute ( "500"  ,
desc:"Max damage healed each execute. If you hold the action it will heal each time the action ends"  ,
category:"Heal/Repair Support Station"  ,
params:"0.01 inf"   

Definition at line 62 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ CreateSoundAudioConfig()

SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration Attribute::CreateSoundAudioConfig ( string  soundEventName)

Get Audio config to play Will create it if it not yet exists. Returns null if no SoundFile or SoundEvent is set


Definition at line 16 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ GetDamageOrStateToHeal()

protected float GetDamageOrStateToHeal ( IEntity  actionOwner,
IEntity  actionUser,
notnull SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationAction  action,
out EDamageType  activeDoT,
out notnull array< HitZone hitZones 

Definition at line 134 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ GetOnDoTRemovedAudioConfig()

SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration Attribute::GetOnDoTRemovedAudioConfig ( )
Sound Config for heal update. Will return null if no audio is assigned

Definition at line 48 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ GetOnHealUpdateAudioConfig()

SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration Attribute::GetOnHealUpdateAudioConfig ( )
Sound Config for heal update. Will return null if no audio is assigned

Definition at line 37 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ GetSupplyCostAction()

protected override int GetSupplyCostAction ( IEntity  actionOwner,
IEntity  actionUser,
SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction  action 

Definition at line 158 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ IsValid()

override bool IsValid ( IEntity  actionOwner,
IEntity  actionUser,
SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction  action,
vector  actionPosition,
out ESupportStationReasonInvalid  reasonInvalid,
out int  supplyCost 

Definition at line 98 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ OnExecute()

protected override void OnExecute ( IEntity  actionOwner,
IEntity  actionUser,
int  playerId,
SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction  action 

Definition at line 281 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ OnExecuteDamageSystem()

protected void OnExecuteDamageSystem ( IEntity  actionOwner,
IEntity  actionUser,
SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState  healState,
SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationAction  action,
float  healthScaled 

Definition at line 306 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ OnExecuteDamageSystemBroadcast()

protected void OnExecuteDamageSystemBroadcast ( RplId  ownerId,
RplId  userId,
SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState  healState,
int  actionId,
float  healthScaled 

Definition at line 288 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ OnExecutedServer()

override void OnExecutedServer ( notnull IEntity  actionOwner,
notnull IEntity  actionUser,
notnull SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction  action 

Definition at line 205 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ SendDamageSupportStationNotification()

protected void SendDamageSupportStationNotification ( IEntity  actionOwner,
IEntity  actionUser,
SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction  action,
SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState  healState,
float  healthScaled 

Definition at line 360 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ m_OnDoTRemovedAudioSourceConfiguration

protected ref SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration m_OnDoTRemovedAudioSourceConfiguration

Definition at line 9 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ m_OnHealUpdateAudioSourceConfiguration

protected ref SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration m_OnHealUpdateAudioSourceConfiguration

Definition at line 8 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ m_sOnDoTRemovedSoundEffectEventName

protected string m_sOnDoTRemovedSoundEffectEventName

Definition at line 6 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.

◆ m_sOnHealUpdateSoundEffectEventName

protected string m_sOnHealUpdateSoundEffectEventName

Definition at line 3 of file SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationComponent.c.